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Fall 2016

Great Cloud of Witnesses (3 credits) This course is an overview of the important events in Christian history from 12apostlesthe second century through the 20th century.  An understanding of Christian history is helpful to the individual who seeks to grow in his or her understanding of the faith. Besides the lofty reasons for studying Christian History -theology, inspiration, correction, encouragement – it is also lots of fun!


Class LocationKeizer Church of Christ, 5405 Ridge Drive NE, Keizer, Oregon 97303.

Registration:  1) Fill out registration form at http://www.cite-osucc.com/registration/college-students/     2) Email Darren Williamson directly to reserve a spot in the class.   3) Bring payment and registration form to the first night of class.   3) Textbooks will be available for purchase on the first night of class.

** CITE classes are open to qualified High School Juniors and Seniors.  See website for more information on concurrent enrollment.